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39. Noelia Fernandez Arroyo
12.05.2017 | 16:54

My experience with Dra. Hallier (Kamilla) and her team has been amazing. I am now the mother of three child. I had my first one in Barcelona, a natural birth with epidural, a second one in Switzerland natural and accidentally without epidural and this last April, a baby girl 100% planned natural and without epidural. I had been through the pain and my recovery had been better with the second child. So, this time, I wanted to prepare physically and mentally for it.
And I have to say that this was the best of all three. Kamilla, Cristina (midwife) and Anna (admin) were increidible as a team. Each with a fundamental role for such an important event.
Few things I would highlight:

In general, after this whole process, maternity and labor got a different meaning. More profound and better experience, mentally and physically. And of course, because of that wellbeing situation, your recovery as well as baby behavior goes much better.
I deeply recommend for any mum as this will make your experience of another dimension than traditional birth processes.
Gracias Kamilla, Cristina y Anna!!!
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38. Inés y Alejandro
22.03.2017 | 14:06

We do not have enough words to thank Dr. Hallier and her team for the incredible pregnancy and birth experience they have provided us with. After a very unsatisfactory experience during our previous pregnancy in a different place, we searched for a natural approach to childbirth and ended up in Dr. Hallier’s International Women’s Health Center. We could not have landed in a better place. Dr. Hallier is extremely reliable, helpful and considerate. She paid attention to all our concerns and fears, no matter how unimportant they appeared to be. While keeping calm and approaching our pregnancy from a relaxed and laid back point of view, she took into consideration all the possible risks and complications that could have arisen due to the fact that we were expecting twins and guided us through a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth process. Moreover, she took care of any previous conditions and made sure that they were properly addressed by the best professionals, such as amazing physiotherapist Begoña Caldera and her team, Irene García, who ensured that I properly prepared both for pregnancy and later recovery, as well as her amazing midwife Cristina Rodríguez, who was extremely supportive and made her very best effort to help us deal with our insecurities and fears regarding twin birth and breastfeeding. Even Anna, Dr. Hallier’s assistant, is incredibly friendly and welcoming, what makes every visit to Dr. Hallier’s Women’s Health Center a pleasure. To sum up, Dr. Hallier and her team provided us with the best experience ever, to the point that my (unfortunately necessary due to a previous condition) C-section just felt like the natural birth we had wished for. Should we decide to have a baby again, we would never let anyone but Dr. Hallier and her team take care of us and our family.
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37. Tara Beattie
26.02.2017 | 15:36

I can’t express how grateful I am to have Kamilla as my doctor. Before finding Kamilla, I had been using both private and public doctors. Although I felt that my private and social security doctors were knowledgeable and capable, I still had doubts about my labor experience. I had anxiety about not being able to communicate my needs and make decisions during birth. Once I went to Kamilla, all of my fears went away. I knew that she would give me the birth experience that I wanted and respect my needs as a patient. In addition, I felt safe in her care. I was impressed with Kamilla’s thoroughness and communication. She always responded to my questions promptly with a text or phone call. Kamilla was extremely patient with my family’s language barriers. She would take the time to explain everything to me and then translate into Spanish for my boyfriend. This was so helpful to us. During the birth, I had total confidence in Kamilla. After Anamaria was delivered, I had some bleeding in my cervix. I was extremely nervous about the situation, but Kamilla talked to me throughout the entire process and calmed my worries. I was impressed with her skill of tending to both my body and mind. I am so appreciative for everything that IWHCM provides. Ana’s welcoming smile at the front desk, Cristina’s tender support, and Kamilla’s dedication to providing the best care possible allowed me to have a positive experience through my pregnancy, labor, and post-natal weeks. I couldn’t ask for more.
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36. Jacquelyn Libby
21.02.2017 | 17:22

I cannot praise Dr. Kamilla Hallier and mid wife Ann Sophie highly enough. I moved to Spain in September 2016 at the beginning of my third trimester and I was very nervous about finding a hospital where I would be able to have the kind of birth I wanted; that is to say a natural birth in a calm and peaceful environment where my wishes would be respected and where I could trust in the people who would be caring for me and my baby. As soon as I got in contact with International Women’s Health Center I knew I had come to the right place. From the first time I met Kamilla I knew I had found the best Ob Gyn to treat me during the final months of my pregnancy and assist me in giving birth the way I wanted to. She is a wonderfully dedicated doctor who always made me feel at ease and provided me with great advice and care. She also has boundless energy and a great positive attitude. The Nuevo Belén hospital is a small hospital and the facilities there are perfect. It is obvious that a great deal of care and attention has gone into fitting out the birthing rooms. Knowing I would be giving birth in such a private, calm and welcoming environment helped to dissipate some of my nervous adrenalin once my contractions had started. Ann Sophie is also a fantastic & highly skilled mid wife. She provided me with all that I needed to know regarding the process of a natural birth and gave me a lot of useful advice on breast feeding and caring for our newborn. At all times during my labour both Ann Sophie and Kamilla gently suggested what I could do to help move the birth along and I knew I could trust them and this made it easier for me to relax and focus on what I had to do. They work brilliantly together and make a great team. The time my husband and I spent with them during the birth of our son was a beautiful and loving experience and one that we will never forget. GRACIAS / VIELEN DANK / THANK YOU xx
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35. Eva
30.01.2017 | 00:48

Sólo tengo palabras de agradecimiento y todavía sigo en una nube tras dar a luz este 28.01. Tuve un primer parto en un hospital privado con muy buena reputación pero muy intervencionista con mi primera hija, que para mí fue traumatico y me destrozó el suelo pelvico (cistocele nivel 3 y rectocele nivel 2) limitando mi calidad de vida y haciendo rehabilitación continua desde la cuarentena simplemente para no ir a peor. Antes de considerar un segundo embarazo miré primero ginecólogos y hospitales pues me horrorizaba pasar por lo mismo y sólo me iba a quedar embarazada si encontraba un profesional de toda mi confianza . Mi fisio de suelo pelvico -Begoña Caldera, que gracias a ella he mejorado un montón y la tengo como un ángel- me recomendó sin duda a Kamilla por su trato cariñoso y asegurarme un buen parto respetado. Su matrona Cristina Rodríguez me encantó desde el primer momento y tenia claro que quería que estuviese en mi parto. Cercana y natural, te hace confiar en tu cuerpo que es capaz de parir y concebirlo como un proceso natural. Nos dio en la preparación al parto que fue sólo para nosotros un montón de ejercicios para el proceso de parto, técnicas de masajes, remedios naturales para preparar el cuerpo para el parto y cuidados posparto. En todo momento tienes comunicación con ella para cualquier duda. Y en el parto me relajó mucho con masajes y reflexologia. Lo que fue espectacular fue el día del parto y todo mi agradecimiento a Kamilla. Fue grandiosa. En cualquier otro hospital no hubieran tenido la misma paciencia y cariño conmigo . Mi parto fue inducido y mi cuerpo no fue respondiendo bien a la dinámica de parto natural y antes de considerar la cesárea fue proponiendome alternativas, explicándomelas paso a paso, siendo super respetuosa, animándome y siendo muy cariñosa. No es plan de detallarlo exactamente pero como muestra del buen rollo y para animarme hubo un momento en que matrona, gine, mi marido y yo terminamos bailando salsa para que movilizara bien mi pelvis para la progresión del parto. Tuvo 3 decisiones super acertadas que nos propuso en el parto y mi niña tuvo un nacimiento natural precioso. Acaban de pasar sólo 2 dias y lo veo como un sueñ me lo puedo creer todavía. Yo sin ningún punto ni desgarro, no me he llegado a tomar ningún siento como si no hubiera parido y parto de una situación con suelo pelvico dañado. Me siento genial, fuerte y feliz. Mi niña perfecta con un expulsivo bello como si fuera a cámara lenta. Mi marido al lado de Kamilla y yo viendo en un espejo su pelito, en 3 respiraciones saqué su cabecita, la toqué y finalmemte sacó su cuerpo ella solita muy despacito. Mi niña es muy tranquila y creo que también tiene que ver mucho ese nacimiento hermoso y sin prisa.³³Nada más salir nuestra niña, mi marido miró a Kamilla y le dijo "gracias". Para mí tiene un valor incalculable todo esto y va a ser un recuerdo precioso para toda la vida.
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34. Eliza
04.01.2017 | 15:50

If I wouldn't have found Kamilla and her wonderful team, I would have gone back to my home country The Netherlands for giving birth. Before getting pregnant, I heard a lot of stories about very medical ways of giving birth in Spain that were far from what I wanted the birth of my baby to look like. I found Kamilla and immediately connected with her. Her positive but down to earth energy was very helpful during pregnancy and I was amazed at how she was always available to answer all my questions and keep me calm when I worried about something. I felt very safe to have someone with such a natural approach to pregnancy & birth as my OBGYN and this made me even look forward to giving birth! During labour & birth, the wonderful calm presence of Ann-Sophie combined with the energy of Kamilla made me feel safe & respected. I felt I could trust whatever they suggested was the right thing at that moment which is very useful when you want to focus on breathing and riding the waves of your contractions. Now as a mom, I still get wonderful advice from Ann-Sophie on breastfeeding and caring for my baby. Looking back at the whole process of pregnancy, giving birth & beyond, I'm almost nostalgic at how beautifully these women have guided me. They are more than just a gynecologist and a midwife: they really see the person in front of them and find ways that suit that specific person. I'm so grateful to have met them!
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33. Canan
07.09.2016 | 13:10

Als ich nach Madrid zog, war ich bereits schwanger und ziemlich nervös, da ich das spanische Gesundheitssystem nicht kannte und die Sprache auch nicht sonderlich gut sprach. Ich habe dann durch eine Empfehlung von Kamilla gehört und war diekt nach dem ersten Termin total begeistert. Zu wissen, dass Kamilla mich mit ihrer Professionalität und ihrer Herzlichkeit in dieser Zeit begleitet, hat mir wahnsinnig viel Ruhe gegeben. Es wurde schon während der Vorsorgetermine klar, dass Kamilla bei allem, was sie tut, das Wohlbefinden von Baby und Mutter als höchste Priorität ansieht. Deswegen ist es mir während der Geburt sehr leicht gefallen, mich einfach komplett fallen zu lassen und auf Kamilla und Ann-Sophie zu vertrauen. Ohnehin sind die beiden ein tolles Team. Auch der Geburtsvorbereitungskurs und vor allem die Hausbesuche von Ann-Sophie nach der Geburt haben mir sehr geholfen mit der neuen Situation zurecht zu kommen. Ihre ruhige und positive Art geben einem das Gefühl, dass man den neuen Herausforderungen schon gewachsen sein wird. Sollte ich nochmal irgendwann schwanger sein, werde ich wohl wieder in Deutschland sein. Ich weiß allerdings jetzt schon, dass ich dann Kamilla und Ann-Sophie sehr vermissen werde.
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32. Bego
05.09.2016 | 02:27

Hola! Soy Begoña (Begoña & Oscar´s jejeje) smile Al comentario anterior que os ha escrito Óscar padre, quería añadir que, aparte del trato 10 tanto humano como profesional que nos habéis dado, la organización de todas las consultas, envío análisis por mail (por parte de Ann) y gestión que hacéis para perder el menor tiempo posible y ajustar todas las consultas los mismos días es muy de agradecer. No me tuve que preocupar de nada. Un embarazo bien llevado ofrece un hijo bien criado, tranquilo y feliz smile mil gracias por todo! Nos vemos pronto! Besos Bego
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31. Begoña y Oscar
04.09.2016 | 17:43

Una doctora impresionante, una gran profesional, dedicada y atenta en todo momento, un trato inmejorable, nos llevo el embarazo y el parto y todo fue muy bien, nos aconsejo y resolvio todas nuestras dudas de manera profesional y cercana, sin duda repetiremos en nuestro proximo niño/a encantados con su profesionalidad y con su matrona Ann Sophie, no podemos decir nada negativo, todo son agradecimientos y buenos recuerdos.
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30. Svenja
26.07.2016 | 15:31

Da muss man erst nach Madrid ziehen, um so eine tolle Frauenärztin zu finden! big grin Ich bin mehr als glücklich und zufrieden mit der¨gynäkologischen Betreuung! Alle Termine starten zur vereinbarten Zeit, Kamilla nimmt sich unglaublich viel Zeit zur Beratung und hat für jegliche Fragen und Sorgen ein offenes Ohr. - manchmal mag man garnicht glauben, dass Sie nicht aus dem Norden kommt , denn mit Ihrer lockeren und offenen Art begeistert sie mich jedes mal. Wie erwaehnt ich bin unglaublich froh - und moechte mich auf diesem Wege einfach nochmal bedanken!
EN: I first needed to move from Hamburg to Madrid to find such a nice and trustworthy GYN big grin I am more than happy with the gynaecological care! All appointments start on time and Kamilla is very patient answering your questions, explaining and counseling - just how it should be! As I said I am very happy to have her as my doctor and I just want to say thank you!
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